Rita Cardiga Nobre


Rita Cardiga Nobre

Trainee Lawyer

An enthusiast of classic and fantastic literature, she is a curious and dedicated person.

She never misses an outing with friends, whether it's drawing in the park, chatting on the beach or wandering around the Sintra mountains.

Rita has been a trainee lawyer at Caldeira Pires since September 2024, after also doing a short-term summer internship here.


  • Law Degree, University of Lisbon School of Law, 2023

  • Master’s Degree in Forensic Law, Catholic University of Portugal Law School - Lisbon, 2024

Other Positions and Activities

  • Registered in the Portuguese Bar Association Internship Course, 2024/2025

Knowing the Client, making the commitment and adding value...

Caldeira Pires is a results oriented law firm, practicing law with proximity and in a modern way, in various areas of law, with particular emphasis on corporate and tax law, but without ever neglecting the other areas of law.

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